Especially if you watch my videos or live recordings

Fortunately, you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did and I’m happy to share these with you so you can avoid these pointless pitfalls. Now you know 5 unnecessary mistakes on the sales page (and how to fix them quickly). What kind of thoughts does this post evoke in you? Psst…. Pin the post to Pinterest 5 pointless mistakes on the sales page

Dry sales text puts people to sleep

They want to see what kind of change your product or service will make. . And believe me, I have made this mistake many times . If you’ve ever thought that you can’t read long sales pages, it’s probably because the sales page is too boring. But how do you overcome boredom? With stories . How do you fix this? Add small stories latest database here and there suitable for the sales page. I can promise that I have made every single one of these mistakes, and the number of mistakes is much longer in my case.

Define your own Tone of Voice and edit the

You can try to use the gimmicky threes of copywriting, but if their style differs a lot from your own, the result is a herring salad-like sales text that does not inspire you to buy. The worst thing you can do with your own sales page is that when customers meet you for the first time, they have to say that the image they have of you doesn’t match what they’ve read . Those Phone Number MY people who are attracted to your style will become customers. Only you can be you. How do you fix this?  sales text to suit it. Make sure that the same style is also visible in the company blog, newsletters and social media. 5 | The text is too boring People don’t want information.

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