Remember that your comment will be visible to everyone

An overly defensive or aggressive response is definitely a practice to avoid as it will discourage new customers from choosing your proposals in the future. Always stay professional, be courteous and never criticize the customer, blaming or accusing him. On the contrary, always try to empathize with the one who has gone through a negative experience to formulate a personal and effective response that offers a solution.

Of course you don’t always have to indulge the customer

It is possible that you disagree with his opinion and you,        Afghanistan Phone Number List        can explain your reasons, always in a friendly and respectful tone. However, in some cases the customer is justifiably angry. So admit your mistakes, be ready to fix them and use this opportunity to demonstrate how important it is for you to satisfy your guests. In the face of poor reviews.

The path of indifference may seem much easier and

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faster and you may therefore decide to delete the comments,    Phone Number My         that damage your reputation: it is certainly not a good idea. In fact, they too contribute to the authenticity of your products and services. So before you can consider this alternative, deal with negative feback by putting these tips into practice and in a few lines you will be able to win back an unsatisfi guest and all the other potential customers who will read the review.

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