The moment of truth in digital marketing

I’ve already lost count of the number of articles Tom Fishburne has inspired me to write on this blog. It is clear that part of his job is to represent the situations that marketing professionals encounter in our daily lives (at the end of the article I leave you his comic strip). One of them is the supposed “Zero Moment of Truth” so talked about and treated in many forums. What is Zero Moment of Truth and how to apply it in marketing? It is a concept that has its origin in 2005 with the help of AG Lafley (Procter & Gamble), when he talked about the key moments when buying the product in the store, when he uses it and the third when he talks about his experience of use with the the rest.

How have moments of truth evolved in digital marketing?

The starting point of the ZMOT concept is to make the search for pre-purchase information as easy as possible, to lead the greatest number . Of people to the purchase. To do this, based on our buyer persona , we must define the most probable paths of this prior investigation ( customer journey ) and offer the necessary information or help in each category email list of the steps to. we have a good product and do a good job, it is . Relatively easy to define these paths with the . Fewest inconveniences or problems for our future customers.

But what happens when I need to sell and I don't have the minimum foundations for this to happen?

We ask for positive reviews: we try to force having a good rating by asking for these . Yeviews at different times or. From different groups of people (in a restaurant when paying, on the thank you page after the purchase, if we are a small company from our .  Qquaintances, reviews from change of some incentive, etc.). Web testimonials: in the same way we put testimonials on the web that Phone Number My are almost true, but are written in a way that makes them seem like something else. We force the publication of positive articles.  On websites and blogs related to our product. We increase the number of followers on social networks . We try to force word-of-. Mouth by sending messages that propose sharing our recent purchase, rating the product, or doing a survey. That is, we generate positive “noise” hoping that it will benefit us.

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