A privacy and cookies policy

A privacy and cookies policy

A privacy and encourage you to comment on our articles. Express your opinion and engage in discussions with other readers. We answer individual questions relat to taxes and accounting of ifirma.pl users via e-mail, chat or telephone – contact us . The administrator of your personal data is IFIRMA SA bas in Wrocław. By adding a comment on the blog, you provide us with your data name and surname, e-mail address and comment content. The system also records the IP address using which you add the comment. The data is sav in the WordPress database. Your data is process bas on your consent resulting from adding a comment.

The data is process A privacy and the

purpose of publishing a comment on the blog, as well as for the purpose of defending or pursuing claims. Data in the WordPress database is stor for the duration of the blog’s operation. You can learn more about the details of data processing by IFIRMA SA on the privacy philippines photo editor policy page of the ifirma.pl website . Maybe these topics tooThey will make you curious Retail sales tax – what is it and when should it be paid? The Act of July , on retail sales tax regulates issues relat to retail sales tax. This act introduc a new public law levy into the Polish tax system.

The retail sales tax

Which is payable by entrepreneurs. Employment certificate – what is a document issu by the employer after the termination of the employment relationship? The provisions of the Act of June , – Labor Code clearly indicate that cooperation with an employee under an Phone Number MY employment contract must always result in the issuance of an employment certificate. Employment of minor seasonal workers under a civil law contract Do you ne support during the season and are wondering.

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