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Building a company website is one of the most effective strategies you can use when learning how to develop a successful B2B marketing strategy.


But why?


It is the first point of contact with your target buyer.


According to the Salesforce State of Marketing survey, 88% of B2B marketers say their website is their primary communication channel with customers/prospects:


88% of B2B marketers say a website is their customer/prospect communication channel( source )


That’s why 41% of B2B marketers are spending a lot of money on website development:


1% of B2B marketers are spending big on website development( source )


In addition?


39% of B2B buyers say vendor websites are one of their first three resources for information about the solutions they are looking for:

Build a beautiful B2B website

What were the first three resources that informed you about the solution in question( source )


Building an aesthetically pleasing and informative website can benefit your business in a number of ways:


It improves your business’s online visibility, helping you reach your customers faster and easier.

Efficiency improves.

Inform buyers about your products, services, and brand story.

It’s a 24/7 sales tool.

A well-optimized website can improve user experience.

sales improvement.

Improve your brand identity.

As a rule, your website should demonstrate your expertise telemarketing list and offer solutions to potential customers.


To stand out from the competition, you need to be an industry resource that lets potential customers know exactly what you do without even having to look closely at your pages.


Most importantly, it must be a B2B website:


Optimized for both mobile and desktop devices.

Be relevant to your target audience.

Include a clear CTA that tells users exactly what to do. Examples: making phone calls, requesting a quote, etc.

SEO is a major source of web traffic

You can check recent reviews and user reviews.

Include a blog with up-to-date and engaging content .

Include links to Phone Number MY your social media pages.

Drive relevant traffic by generating quality, trusted backlinks.

Hootsuite is one of the great examples of a B2B website that ticks all the boxes above:

Hootsuite is one of the great example of B2B websites that checks all the boxes above( source )

B2B SEO can help you increase brand awareness.

SEO is an effective B2B lead generation strategy.

Optimizing your B2B marketing efforts for SEO can help you shorten your sales cycle.

A successful B2B SEO strategy can help you build trust and credibility.

B2B SEO is a powerful digital marketing strategy that optimizes your web content to help your website rank high in Google search results.

Canva is a great example of a B2B company using B2B SEO to its advantage:

Canva is a good example of B2B companies that leverage B2B SEO to their advantage( source )

Currently, the website ranks in searches on Google for keywords such as ‘brochure’, ‘YouTube banner’, and ‘free template’.

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