The Ideal Platform to Reach Audiences of All Demographics

The AIDA framework was invented in 1898 and is still used today. It is one of the most reliable marketing frameworks and consists of four stages: awareness, interest, desire, and action.


The first step is to grab the reader’s attention by using bold sentences or a catchy headline.


Once you’ve captured your customer’s attention, the second step is to generate interest by providing them with relevant information about your product or service.


The third step is to create desire for your product or service by highlighting its benefits and showing readers how it can solve a problem or fulfill a need.


Finally, the framework concludes with a call to action that encourages the reader to take the next step, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or requesting more information.


Examples of AIDA in action

Are you tired of wasting time with manual buy telemarketing leads processes every day?

Eliminate all cumbersome manual processes.

SaaS solutions allow you to forget about everyday chores and focus on important tasks.

Stop wasting time and try our SaaS solution today.

You Get Big (YGB)

YGB is a powerful writing technique that makes your message more persuasive. The first part, ‘You’, is about generating interest by naming which group identity the audience belongs to. Mom, veteran, freelancer, fisherman, or CEO? “Get” is about the benefits you offer, such as a 10% discount. “Because” explains why there are deals like Happy Friday!

YGB example:

To thank veterans for their hard work, we offer a 10% discount to veterans.

Moms get each Tupperware product for free because serving can get messy.

All newsletter subscribers receive exclusive statistics every week for added value.

How to make your landing page copy mobile-friendly

In most cases, people write their website copy on standard A4 pages in Google Docs or Microsoft Word. This is Phone Number MY fine for the desktop version, but problems arise when developers apply this copy to the mobile version. Oddly spaced words, sentences, and paragraphs make the mobile version less readable.

From the moment you first open the document, two simple solutions are staring you in the face.

The job of every landing page is to clearly and concisely explain to web visitors what your brand can do for them and motivate them to take action. Creating a successful landing page requires an intuitive section structure, a clear value proposition, testimonials, and a compelling call to action. You can apply copywriting frameworks and techniques across all sections, as well as follow several golden copywriting rules. You can use simple tools to write your own copy for mobile versions. Finally, a clear editing process will help you get more out of your copy.

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