In two refuges in the Alagna area in Piedmont Zar Senni di Otro

 (1664 meters above sea level) and Pastore dell’Alpe Pile (1575 meters), the 16 and 17 May have already started with take-away food. In Trentino the same idea is found in the Maranza refuge: a different summer awaits us. On Sunday 17 May, 500 sandwiches had already distribute in less than 4 hours.

This was just the beginning. Malga Cimana,

above Cei, has also adapted: sandwiches and homemade,      USA Phone Number List       cakes are enough to transform the high-altitude meadow into the new picnic table. Fantasy Picnic In general, outdoor activities yes but keeping the number limited. The guidelines written by Federparchi together with the council of directors and in collaboration with the Campus Bio Medico University of Rome.

The main points include mandatory booking

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also via the App, masks, hand sanitization at the collection point,    Phone Number My       body temperature detection. maximum groups of twelve people with social distancing of up to two meters and additional. protective devices for the guides to use in case of necessity. As limits increase, so does the desire to innovate. However, by monitoring the Internet, there are examples of establishments that have interpret the restrictions in an original way: this is the case of an American restaurant which, to give an idea of being crowd, opted for the use of cardboard people to place on the chairs that must remain empty.

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