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And the customer journey is increasingly pervasive. In this context, my lady, the marketer must try to keep up if he wants to make effective campaigns! This preamble that you will have heard (or told) dozens of times in recent years is also the summary of the statement with which Google introduc the imminent rebranding of its advertising products to the world.

Announce on June and effective as of July

The rebranding is currently still ongoing and, by Google’s own,      Belize Phone Number List       admission, could take a few months to complete. So don’t worry if you still see the old Adwords logo. But what exactly has chang? First of all, there was a reorganization of the advertising products, with various mergers and consequent name and logo changes.

Thus from the merger between Double click Advertiser

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and Google Analytics 360 Suite, Google Marketing,      Phone Number My       Platform was born, a tool for planning and measuring campaigns. DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange have instead gone to form a unifi platform for programmatic advertising: Google Ad Manager. It was inevitable. However, what immiately caught everyone’s eye was the entry into the scene of Google Ads, which from 24 July 2018 replac Google Adwords after 18 years of honorable career. New name, new logo and of course new URLs: you can no longer access from but from

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